Julia came up to visit Sister, and met Star for the first time and said, "Oh what a beautiful horse! I'd love to ride him..." so the story goes. No problem, right? Quick cell phone call and Kelsey's parents say...sure...he could use the exercise. Turns out that Star had decided that he wasn't going to cooperate. Julia and I have a couple of theories. Julia's is that she let him have a little too much freedom and then Star decided he was going to challenge her once she got a bit too relaxed on him (he didn't want to ride out to the West pasture and then was thinking about rearing...) I agree with that but have a theory that he let me ride him on the trail last week with no problems because everything was so new to him that he was more obediant (not comfortable enough to misbehave). Lisa's theory that he bonded with the mare Nikki and was reluctant to be without her "all the way" over in the other pasture. He wasn't the worst horse but he didn't want to go where he was told to. So Julia lunged him and then lunged him with me in the saddle. All ended well with Star riding very well in the round pen. Kelsey has since rode Star in the round pen without any problems. The question becomes, "How will Star do out on the trail again?" We'll probably figure out this question by riding him out on the trail with his favorite mare, Nikki.